Prep is recognised as the first year of school in Queensland and with the introduction of the Australian Curriculum, full-time attendance in Prep gives students the foundation they need for successful learning in Year 1.
To be eligible for Prep, a child must turn five years old by 30 June in the year they start Prep.
Most children commence Prep in the year they become eligible, however parents who are concerned their child is not ready to start Prep at that time can choose to start their child a year later in Preparatory year - the year they become of compulsory school age (6 years and 6 months).
Parents should discuss their concerns with the Principal of the school in which they plan to enrol their child. Placement of a child into their first year of school is dependent upon the child having the necessary skills to engage in learning.
Parents of compulsory school age children have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are enrolled in school and attend for every day of the education program in which they are enrolled.
Enrolment in, and full-time attendance at Prep, fulfils this obligation.
View the Department's prep ready reckoner calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.