Capricornia School of Distance Education (CapSDE) is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO No: 30951).
Students are able to enrol into the following Vocational Education and Training courses.
Delivered by qualified teachers at CapSDE under our Registered Training Organisation (RTO code 30951)
- AHC10222- Certificate I in Agriculture (2 QCE credits)
- FNS10120- Certificate I in Basic Financial Literacy (2 QCE credits)
- BSB10120- Certificate I in Workplace Skills (2 QCE credits)
- BSB20120- Certificate II in Workplace Skills (up to 4 QCE credits)
- ICT20120 - Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies (up to 4 QCE credits)
- FSK20119 – Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (up to 4 QCE credits)
Delivered by teachers at CapSDE under an external Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
- 10939NAT- Certificate II in Self Awareness and Development (up to 4 QCE credits) Blueprint Career Development RTO 30978
- AVI30419 - Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) (up to 6 QCE credits) Aviation Australia RTO 30770
Delivered by external RTO and not by CapSDE
- UEE22020 – Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (up to 4 QCE credits) Gold Coast Trade College RTO 31175
All students enrolled in a VET course through CapSDE are required to complete a VET Induction. If students think they may already have the skills and knowledge being assessed in their VET course, they can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
From 1 January 2015, all students studying a VET certificate must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) before a statement of attainment or qualification can be awarded. Students need to apply for their USI at [BJ2] and give a copy of this number to the HOD Senior Schooling and VET for recording.
Any students who are not satisfied with the training they received at CapSDE or disagree with the assessment decisions are able to submit a complaint as per our CSDE complaints and appeals policy and procedures (DOC, 158KB) .
External RTOs
Students also have the opportunity complete other VET courses through external RTO’s.
Work Experience
Two models of work experience offered at CapSDE to meet the different needs of our students.
Work sampling
A work sampling placement is schedule twice a year and provides students with the opportunity to test personal vocational preferences through performing tasks in a workplace. Students select placements according to their future occupational aspirations. The student may experience the following outcomes:
- first-hand information about what it means to work, as well as the work processes of the organisation and the work environment
- clarification of employment goals.
Structured work placement
A structured work placement involves the student participating in specific tasks in the workplace described in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Schools program. Structured work placement:
- requires the negotiation of specific tasks by the school, student and work experience provider which are structured, monitored, regulated and may be assessed
- allows students to gain knowledge and demonstrate application of that knowledge in the workplace.
Families interested in participating in Work Experience should contact the Work Experience Coordinator.
School-based Traineeships and Apprenticeships (SATS)
SATS are for students who wish to undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship while still studying at school. These programs allow students to work and train towards a recognised qualification while completing their school studies. School-Based Traineeships are Vocational Education and Training Certificate II or III qualifications that include on-the-job training.
Further information, regarding SATs can be found at [BJ1]