At Capricornia School of Distance Education we do our very best to ensure every student is given the same opportunities as their mainstream counterparts.
We hold an annual Awards Day in Term 4 each year. Awards Day proceedings alternate each year between the Emerald and Rockhampton Campuses. We also hold an annual swimming and athletics carnival which again alternate between our two campuses on an annual basis.
A program of in-reach activities provides face to face contact between students and teachers. This allows for direct learning and teaching experiences. Part of this program is our term Mini-schools where students have a chance to work with their peers and teachers on site for a week.
As part of our field services program we hold cluster visits where we take school to a cluster of students in a regional area. Teachers also make home visits to students if required.
Each year students from years 4-9 have the opportunity to participate in a school camp with their year level peers. Students are able to spend time with their fellow students and teachers in in a safe and supportive face to face learning environment which focuses on skills including
leadership skills
social skills, forming and enhancing friendships
team work
risk taking
developing communication skills, personal strengths and competencies
conflict resolution
Occasionally, educational excursions are planned for the purpose of studying some aspect of the educational program at first hand. Such excursions are valued educational experiences and when undertaken, provide children with valuable educational outcomes. Parents will be given as much notice as possible and prices will be kept to a minimum. Parent permission is always required.